Review the Evidence for Gamification in Medical Education
Review the latest evidence compiled and summarized by Dr. Jordan Hilgefort:
"The findings of this review suggest that gamification may be advantageous for health science undergraduates. Gamification positively impacts student satisfaction and motivation[...]."
"Serious gaming/gamification appears to be at least as effective as controls, and in many studies, more effective for improving knowledge, skills, and satisfaction."
"In this setting, the addition of gamification to an interactive online module enhanced learning outcome, instructional efficiency, student engagement and enjoyment. These results should inspire further exploration of gamification for teaching Laboratory Medicine concepts to pre-clinical medical students."
"Students clearly valued the engagement and learning aspects of gamified TP interactions. The overwhelming majority of students surveyed in this study were engaged by the variety of TP games, and gained an interest in microbiology. The methods described in this study may be useful for other educators wishing to expand the utility of audience response systems in their classrooms."
"Serious games and simulations in general medical education have successfully increased learner motivation, enjoyment, and performance. In limited preliminary studies, gamified approaches to dermatology-specific medical education enhanced diagnostic accuracy and interest in the field. Game-based interventions in patient-focused educational pilot studies surrounding melanoma detection demonstrated similar efficacy and knowledge benefits."